As of December 2011, there has been a new regulatory framework at the European level on integrity and transparency in the wholesale energy market that establishes norms that prohibit abusive practices that affect the wholesale energy markets and assigns monitoring and supervision of said markets to the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) in close collaboration with national regulatory authorities.
Participants in the market will be obliged to communicate to ACER detailed information on the energy products negotiated on the organized markets, including coupled and uncoupled orders.
OMIE, as the entity responsible for managing the day-ahead and intraday electricity market on the Iberian Market, provides the service of communicating this information as per the cited Regulation through the entity “OMI RRM” as ACER's Registered Reporting Mechanism (RRM).
Agents who wish to receive the services offered by OMI RRM can find more information at this link: GrupoOMI